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- The following book review was taken from FSR Vol 26 #4 (1980) and the
- response by the author of the book "GENESIS" is taken from FSR Vol 27
- # 1. I believe that the "novel" Genesis is a must read item for anyone
- interested in the field of ufology. I personally fail to understand why
- the normally respectable Ms. Randles "beats up" on what is clearly
- labelled as a novel.
- Normally, Flying Saucer Review would not concern itself
- with books of the fictional kind, for that is what
- Genesis, a new Corgi paperback by W. A. Harbinson
- (published October 1950, 612 pages) turns out to
- be. The theme, however, is UFO'S, so it merited a
- mention.
- For me it proved to be a horrifying book. Not only
- horrifying because its content is a kind of souped-up
- horror story conceived around the UFO mystery, but also
- because of the dreadful image it conjures up both of the
- subject and the people involved in it. Again there must be
- UFO enthusiasts who, weaned on the cover-up idea that
- so obsesses the author, will find sinister undertones in
- what Corgi Books label " " . . .the epic novel of the world's
- most fearsome secret".
- Novels based on ufology are rare: the theme of the very
- reasonable Miracle Visitors by Ian Watson (Panther Books)
- was written around the Vallee/Jung school of thinking.
- This new offering, however, seems to be culled from the
- hard-line ufology of Kehoe, Stringfield and Co. There
- was scope for a literary exploration of the cover-up
- mythology. Genesis tries to do that, but its idea isn't
- entirely original, for our own Gordon Creighton touched
- on it - albeit in a light-hearted manner - in his article
- " "Those cunning British: the truth at last. , ,
- The complex plot introduces elements from all over the
- world, but is centered on Britain - an abduction in
- Cornwall and regression hypnosis by a London doctor -
- and the plot revolves around the activities of two full-time
- American ufologists-cum-scientists, whose role is never.
- quite explained. Apparently they do not work for the
- government, yet they stroll in and out of military bases
- with a freedom that is ridiculous to say the least. Nor is it
- explained who pays these redoubtable workers during the
- course of the action between 1974 and 1975. One of them
- is an older man with an incurable disease the other is a
- Whizz-kid who either spends a globe trotting life following
- up UFO incidents, or wallows in strong drink in drugs.
- This younger one is hell-bent on breaking the great cover-
- up mystery before his buddy dies, and one is forced to
- assume that his methodology is standard both for him and
- other assoeiates of his: in one scene he heats the truth out
- of one participant who, soon afterwards, dies of. a heart
- attack. Other methods involve getting his witnesses
- drunk, in drugged, and then hurling four letter words at
- them he even resorts to rape to elicit the truth from one
- unfortunate.
- In parts of the text Mr. Harbinson actually inter-
- mingles real events and characters with fictional ones.
- even the late Ed Ruppelt of Project Blue Book fame, and
- poor James E. McDonaId who, unhappily, can no longer
- speak up for themselves. Other characters are paraded
- who seem to parallel living investigators, and FSR also
- gets a mention, but fortunately only in the authors notes,
- where it is recommended as " "mandatory reading, , - but
- with a " "selective eye".
- Basically the author presents a theory (based on obscure
- documents said to have been discovered in West
- Germany) that everything which we link with UFOS -
- 19th Century airships, the Tunguska explosion, Foo
- Fighters, ghost rockets and the Bermuda Triangle - are
- the work of. a mad genius, at one time associated with the
- Nazis, who has discovered - and applied - secrets of.
- longevity, and when has found a hide-out in Antarctica.
- Naturally this person is bent on world domination, but I'll
- leave the rest of. the story for anyone who may wish to
- read it.
- For myself., all I can do is shudder at the false picture of
- UFO investigators and researchers that will be created by
- this monster novel. The horrifying aspect is that many
- may read it who could well have their own UFO
- experience at a later date, and keep their peace when they
- recall the behavior of the fictional investigators. My only
- hope is that many readers will not be taken in by the
- fanciful and artificial nature of the book, which as far as
- the painstaking researchers and careful documenters of.
- ufology are concerned, belongs to the murky waters at the
- bottom of another barrel.
- GENESIS: Miss Randles please note
- ---------------------------------
- Sir. - Any book published is going to
- receive both positive and negative
- reviews, and while all authors worth their
- salt should enjoy the former and keep
- quiet about the latter, no author should
- take lying down the sort of distortions
- purveyed by Jenny Randles in her review
- of my novel Genesis in the November
- issue of FSR. The following corrections
- are therefore to be noted.
- It is suggested that the author never
- explains who his two leading characters
- are working for. In fact, in the very first
- chapter (page 16), it is made clear that
- they are working for a civilian
- organization called the Aerial
- Phenomena Investigations Institute.
- based in Washington, D.C. The work of
- that institute, obviously based on
- NICAP, is discussed by both characters
- in the same chapter. I apologize for not
- discusing their income (another
- complaint by Jenny), but I can't imagine
- many readers being interested.
- lt is also claimed that my two
- scientists, who do not work for the
- government, stroll in and out of
- military bases with a freedom that is
- ridiculous no say the least.,, To say the
- least. my scientists pay calls on only two
- such establishments throughout the
- course of the novel: one to Winslow Air
- Base, Arizona, and the other to NASA.
- Regarding the former, Winslow is not a
- secret establishment and it would be
- perfectly easy for a journalist or scientist
- to obtain the sort of pass used by my
- character: regarding the latter. Rather
- than have my characters ""stroll in and
- out . . . with a freedom that is
- ridiculous,,. I clearly show them being
- refused entry to NASA.
- Jenny describes the younger of my two
- scientists as someone who ,"wallows in
- strong drink or drugs.,, In fact, that
- particular character, Stanford, has two
- major confrontations in the book - one
- with an alcoholic and one with a drug
- addict - but during neither scene does
- Stanford either ""wallow,, in drink or
- take drugs; and nowhere in the 612 pages
- of Genesis is it even remotely suggested
- that he has ever indulged in such
- delicious vices.
- According to Jenny, the reader is
- " " forced to assume. , that young
- Stanford's admittedly violent methods of
- interrogation (on only two occasions. I
- might add) is ""standard for both him
- and other associates of his.,, In fact,
- Stanford's only other associate is clearly
- shown to be a kind and gentle old man
- who treats everyone with unfailing
- decency. As for Stanford, contrary to the
- monster suggested by the unduly
- sensitive Ms Randles, he is drawn as an
- obviously intelligent, amiable but
- uncommitted young man whose two
- outbursts of violence in the latter half of
- the book arc borne of increasing
- frustration, fear and desperation - a not
- abnormal reaction under the
- circumstances described in the novel.
- Jenny suggests that one of the
- characters died of a heart attack because
- of a beating received by Stanford. This is
- simply not true. The character in
- question is actually murdered by
- someone else.
- Jenny claims that Stanford ""resorts to
- rape to elicit the truth from one
- unfortunate. ,, This, also, is untrue. The
- girl is obviously willing and Stanford uses
- no force; it's a mutual seduction by two
- people who hardly know what they're
- doing.
- Finally, Jenny seems particularly
- offended than I should recommend FSR
- as "mandatory reading" but with a
- "selective eye" ., To that l can only reply
- that no higher praise than ""mandatory
- reading" can be applied to any
- publication; and that judging by your
- own admirably democratic and therefore
- argumentative letter columns, a
- ,"selective eye", is frequently utilized by
- your most faithful readers.
- Any reviewer is entitled to dislike a
- book; no reviewer should be allowed to
- distort the contents of that book.
- Otherwise. l thank you for the review
- - and I shall, of course, continue to read
- FSR.
- Yours in hopes of democratic treatment.
- W. A. Harbinson,
- 44 Rosebery Road,
- Muswell Hill.
- London N10 2LJ
- March 31 , 1951
- PS: The novel doesn't conjure up a
- nightmarish picture of Ufology it
- conjures up a nightmarish picture of the
- possible abuse of current technology: the
- Ufologists are not accused; the scientists
- are . . . So!